TwinBrain WORKSHOP 4.0
MOBILE BRAIN/BODY IMAGING (MOBI) – where theory meets hands-on experience
Key information:
When? 27 November – 30 November 2023
Where? Koper, Slovenia
Type? Hybrid (on-site and online participation)
Who? Neuroscience of movement enthusiasts
Pre-requirements? Registration online (free)
Registration form:
Registration deadline: 26.11.2023 (limited to 100 online followers)

DAY 1:
THE THEME OF THE DAY: Unfolding cognitive-motor interference: applying the unfold toolbox to mobile EEG data
PRESENTER: Anna Wunderlich, PhD (Germany)
8.45 – 9.00 Registration
9.00 – 9.15 Welcome speech: Uroš Marušič, PhD, PI of the TwinBrain project
9.15 – 9.45 Introduction to Unfold
9.45 – 10.00 Coffee Break
10:00 – 12:00 Using Unfold on cognitive-motor dual-tasking balance data; interactive session
12.00 – 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 – 17.30 Using Unfold on mobile EEG data obtained in cognitive-motor dual-tasking during overground walking; interactive session
DAY 2:
THE THEME OF THE DAY: Analyzing the spatio-temporal profile of contrast and motion-onset visual-evoked potentials using high-density EEG
PRESENTER: Thorben Hülsdünker, PhD (Luxembourg)
8.45 – 9.00 Registration
9.00 – 10.00 Introduction to VEP, hdEEG
10.00 – 10.30 Coffee Break
10.30 – 12.00 Analyses approaches in contrast and motion detection fields
12.00 – 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 – 15-00 Hands-on VEP analyses
DAY 3:
THE THEME OF THE DAY: Towards the network analysis approach – investigating functional connectivity using hdEEG
PRESENTER: Marco Marino, PhD (Italy)
8.45 – 9.00 Registration
9.00 – 10.15 The potential of high-density electroencephalography to investigate brain networks in simulated microgravity
10.15 – 10.45 Coffee Break
10.45 – 12.00 Noninvasive Electrophysiology Toolbox (NET) for large-scale analysis of hdEEG data
12.00 – 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 – 15.00 Online platform for peer-support hands-on session
DAY 4:
THE THEME OF THE DAY: Hands-on sessions (individual data analysis)
9.00 – 15.00 Individual data analysis